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Asset Management for Municipalities

Tools and Resources

The following knowledge product tools have been developed to support municipalities in their asset management journeys:

Knowledge Product Tool # 1:
ACCIST:  Asset Condition and Climate Impact Scoring Tool

What is the ACCIST Tool? The tool is a template for:

  1. Documenting the registry of buildings that includes location, age, condition and performance.
  2. Recording the assessment of climate impacts at the system level, as a result of this documentation.

The tool summarizes the condition information + climate impact in a dashboard overview that helps identify priorities for action.

The ACCIST Tool aligns with Ontario Regulation 588/17 Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure and the principles of ISO55000 (asset management) and ISO31000 (risk).  The course was delivered through on-line training in 2022.  We thank the participants in the course who provided feedback on the draft tool.

Download Items:

Knowledge Product Tool # 2:
Integrating Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation in Asset Management

The Region of Waterloo recognized that critical systems and infrastructure are at risk from climate change impacts; this is especially true for potable water services, systems and infrastructure.  Although these municipal assets have not been directly impacted yet, the potential for climate impact is high – and the consequences could be extreme.  The water services department at the Region of Waterloo has begun to assess and address risks with a collaborative and integrated approach. The municipality followed a three-step process: alignment, assessment, and synthesis. This case study presents how a municipality applied a decision-making framework for integrating climate change risk assessment and adaptation in asset management. 

Download Item:

Asset Management Resource Links:

Funded By

This initiative was offered through the Municipal Asset Management Program, which is delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada.

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