Building Your Community’s Climate Resiliency
As the impacts of climate change touch communities across Canada, considering climate change in municipal asset management planning is key to increasing resilience and improving reliability for delivering municipal services in the future.
Asset Management for Municipalities
Tools and Resources
The following knowledge product tools have been developed to support municipalities in their asset management journeys:
Knowledge Product Tool # 1:
ACCIST: Asset Condition and Climate Impact Scoring Tool
What is the ACCIST Tool? The tool is a template for:
- Documenting the registry of buildings that includes location, age, condition and performance.
- Recording the assessment of climate impacts at the system level, as a result of this documentation.
The tool summarizes the condition information + climate impact in a dashboard overview that helps identify priorities for action.
The ACCIST Tool aligns with Ontario Regulation 588/17 Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure and the principles of ISO55000 (asset management) and ISO31000 (risk). The course was delivered through on-line training in 2022. We thank the participants in the course who provided feedback on the draft tool.
Download Items:
Knowledge Product Tool # 2:
Integrating Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation in Asset Management
The Region of Waterloo recognized that critical systems and infrastructure are at risk from climate change impacts; this is especially true for potable water services, systems and infrastructure. Although these municipal assets have not been directly impacted yet, the potential for climate impact is high – and the consequences could be extreme. The water services department at the Region of Waterloo has begun to assess and address risks with a collaborative and integrated approach. The municipality followed a three-step process: alignment, assessment, and synthesis. This case study presents how a municipality applied a decision-making framework for integrating climate change risk assessment and adaptation in asset management.
Download Item:
Asset Management Resource Links:
- FCM video series
- FCM Resource Library
- FCM Guide for Integrating Climate Change Considerations into Municipal Asset Management
- Green Municipal Fund Initiative – Community Buildings Retrofit Initiative
- ICLEI Toolbox: The Cost of Doing Nothing
- Climate Atlas website
- Climate Data portal
- CBC Interview (June 8, 2022) with Blair Feltmate (Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation at University of Waterloo)
- Article on designing for resilient buildings (why we aren’t designing for them now)
- BBC News on roof “melt” on hottest day in Glasgow (Thanks, Stephen!)
- Article on how heat waves are being “named” liked hurricanes
- Halton Hills Case Studies – Energy Performance
- Community Benefits
Funded By
This initiative was offered through the Municipal Asset Management Program, which is delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by the Government of Canada.