Governance at OSPE
OSPE’s governance framework ensures that the society operates with transparency, accountability, and integrity, reflecting the best interests of Ontario’s engineering community.
OSPE’s policy and strategic decisions are made unanimously by a dedicated board of twelve directors. OSPE’s Board operates on a rotating basis: four members join and four depart annually. This structure enables effective decision-making and planning, creating an environment where members’ voices inform the initiatives that OSPE implements to advance the engineering profession in Ontario.
Annual Reports
Accountability is an essential component of OSPE’s commitment to advancing the interests of Ontario’s engineers.
Board of Directors
The OSPE Board is composed of 12 Directors. Each spring, OSPE holds a board election that is structured to ensure a turnover of one-third of the Board members.
Board Elections
The engineers who are elected to OSPE’s Board of Directors are committed to ensuring that your profession is headed in the right direction.
Code of Conduct and OSPE Bylaws
Explore the principles that uphold our community’s values and the guidelines that shape our organization’s structure and governance.
As a member-driven organization, OSPE relies on the energy and commitment of volunteers.
Strategic Plan
Engage, Educate, Enable: Empowering The Engineering Community OSPE’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan.