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Federal Election 2019 – People’s Party Platform

As a non-partisan organization, OSPE considers it a civic duty for all Canadians to vote based on a clear understanding and knowledge of the platforms of each political party.  In the upcoming weeks, OSPE will extract information from each official party platform on issues impacting the engineering community.

This week OSPE is showcasing the People’s Party’s 2019 electoral platform. Don’t forget to make sure you are registered to vote on Monday, October 21, 2019!

people's party logo


  • Counter anti-oil and anti-pipeline propaganda from radical environmentalists and foreign foundations.
  • Repeal Bill C-48.
  • Repeal Bill C-69.
  • Approve pipelines projects using a streamlined process.
  • Find a private buyer for Trans Mountain.
  • Reassert federal jurisdiction over pipelines construction by invoking section 92(10) of our Constitution, whereby Parliament can declare any project to be for the general advantage of Canada.

Environment and Climate Change

  • Withdraw from the Paris Accord and abandon unrealistic greenhouse gas emission reduction targets.
  • Stop sending money to developing countries to help them reduce their emissions.
  • Abolish the Liberal government’s carbon tax and leave it to provincial governments to adopt programs to reduce emissions if they want to.
  • Abolish subsidies for green technology and let private players develop profitable and efficient alternatives.
  • Invest in adaptation strategies if problems arise as a result of any natural climate change.
  • Prioritize implementing practical solutions to make Canada’s air, water and soil cleaner, including bringing clean drinking water to remote First Nations communities.

 Indigenous Peoples

  • Explore options to replace the Indian Act, which keeps aboriginals in a state of dependency and allows the federal government to control most aspects of their lives
  • Ensure that aboriginal communities take more ownership of the services they receive in partnership with Ottawa


  • Replace the Canada Health Transfer cash payments with a permanent transfer of tax points of equivalent value to the provinces and territories, to give them a stable source of revenue. In practice, Ottawa will give up its Goods and Services Tax (GST), and let provincial and territorial governments occupy this fiscal room. In 2019-20, the GST is expected to bring in $40 billion in revenues, the same amount currently transferred by Ottawa.
  • Establish a temporary program to compensate poorer provinces whose revenues from the tax will be lower than the transfer payments they used to receive.
  • Abolish the Capital Gains Tax
  • Drop Corporate Income Tax from 15% to 10%
  • Cut federal tax to 15% on income between $15,001 and $100,000 and 25% tax rate on income above $100,000
  • No federal tax on first $15,000 earned, giving everyone who earns that much an immediate $529 tax cut
  • Balance the budget within two years of taking power

 Full People’s Party Platform available here

What do you think of the People’s Party platform? Are these promises attainable?

As a part of our Federal Election coverage, OSPE and its Task Forces have put together a comprehensive National Strategy that contains recommendations from professional engineers for all political parties to consider ahead of the 2019 Canadian Federal Election. Read the full document here. 

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Comments (2)

  1. Surely immigration is also of interest to the engineering community, given the high participation rate of immigrants in the engineering community, and the extent to which immigrant engineers contribute the pool of engineering talent in Ontario and Canada. Moreover, immigration is an important element of obtaining P.Eng. registration as well.
    I’m disappointed that this blog chose not to address the immigration policies of PPC, which are the contentious element of the PPC, and the one that raises questions about their suitability for leadership roles in the federal government. By ignoring this, you have given more legitimacy to the PPC than might otherwise be due. I’m very disappointed to see this.

    1. Thanks, Mr. McLellan. All the party platform blog posts were written under the same format. They all list the party’s commitments in the following areas: Energy, Environment, Infrastructure, Indigenous Peoples, Housing, Taxes, Jobs and Skills Training, Health Care, and Research and Innovation. The PPC’s blog post is shorter than the rest, since their platform doesn’t mention key commitments in every one of these areas. Every blog post also includes a link to every party’s full platform. Immigration has seldom become a topic that our members inquire about explicitly. However, we understand your concern and we will look into the possibility of including immigration as a key area when describing party’s platforms in any upcoming election(s).

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