OSPE consults its members on the Climate Crisis

On February 23, OSPE held its first Members-Only Climate Crisis Consultation of 2022.

At the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, we understand that climate change is real and that it poses an enormous threat to our society. We also know that the time for action is now. To address this pressing issue all orders of government, the private sector, and civil society must work together towards clear, ambitious, and achievable targets, timetables, and accountability mechanisms.

This important work includes engineers. Engineers, according to the Professional Engineers Act, must ensure that life, health, property, and the public welfare are protected. Engineers know that protecting the environment is essential to promoting a sustainable and healthy lifestyle for current and future generations. As the advocacy body and voice of the engineering community, OSPE is always committed to bringing engineers together to discuss potential solutions to society’s biggest threats.

With the upcoming provincial election, OSPE is committed to making sure that all political parties understand the great need to listen to the engineering expertise and tackle the climate crisis. 

This Members-Only Climate Crisis Consultation was a wonderful opportunity to hear from engineers about what matters most to them, when trying to address climate change. Some of the policy topics discussed included:

  • Carbon pricing
  • Reinstating the Office of the Environment Commissioner of Ontario
  • Ensuring an OSPE representative/professional engineer serves on the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks’ advisory panel on climate change.
  • Modernizing Ontario’s Building Code
  • Accelerating the electrification of the transportation system, including electric vehicle uptake and adoption
  • Training engineers for the skills required to succeed in the energy efficiency and green building sector
  • Reversing Bill 229 and Enhance the Mandate of Conservation Authorities

This Consultation also allowed for OSPE Task Force Members and Subject Matter Experts to present their current research projects to the broader OSPE membership. Pauline Watson, P.Eng., Environment Task Force Member discussed ways in which Ontario should Incentivize Deep Energy Retrofits, while Tom Markowitz, P.Eng., Environment Task Force Member talked about Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ontario Diesel Highway Trucks.

OSPE’s members consultations will direct OSPE’s advocacy work.

OSPE will be having its 2nd Members- Only Consultation on the Climate Crisis on March 16. Please register here

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