It’s election time! Canada’s Federal Election will be taking place on October 21, 2019.
OSPE will be hosting a Federal Election Roundtable on October 9, at Parkview Manor in North York, ON. At the event, our advocacy Task Forces and Committees will showcase a comprehensive National Strategy that includes recommendations regarding energy, climate change and the environment, innovative technology, infrastructure, as well as ways to increase the number of underrepresented groups in STEM.
We will also hear from politicians running for office, talking about their party’s platforms and commitments on issues that affect the engineering profession and society in general. The Ontario Society of Professional Engineers wants to hear from each political party about their ideas and solutions to Canada’s pressing issues, and what they would do if elected on October 21st.
Register for this event today at www.
As your membership organization, we want to hear from you – what can our Federal Government do better, and how? How can Canada:
- Fight climate change?
- Get its resources to new markets?
- Establish an energy corridor?
- Deal with plastics?
- Get more and better quality infrastructure projects built?
- Build Smart Cities?
- Cope with the rapid change in technology and its impact on the labour market?
- Increase underrepresented groups’ participation in the engineering profession?
Engage with OSPE leading up to Election 2019 to make sure your voice is heard!
Tell us what you would include in your own Election Platform by sending an email to advocacy@ or providing your comments in the section below!
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