OSPE is excited to announce our partnerships with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – Toronto Section, Construction Specifications Canada and the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute!
Meet our Partners
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) – Toronto Section is a community for electrical and computer engineers and related professions. IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology. IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through its more than 420,000 members in over 160 countries, and its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE Toronto has approximately 4,000 members, 17 technical chapters, four affinity groups, and many student branches across Ontario educational institutions.
- Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) is a national multi-disciplinary, non-profit association with chapters across Canada. CSC is committed to delivering progressive education, certification, publications and professional networking opportunities for the design and construction community. CSC seeks to enhance the quality of the design and management aspects of construction activity, so it can best contribute to the efficiency and effectiveness of the industry as a whole. As a result, CSC pursues the study of systems and procedures that will improve the co-ordination and dissemination of documentation relevant to the construction process.
- Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) is a not-for-profit scientific and technical organization devoted to the advancement of the art, science, engineering and applications related to aeronautics, astronautics, and associated technologies and their applications. The Institute is made up of Branches located across Canada, as well as specialist Sections that cater to specific interest areas. CASI’s mission is to foster national pride and international esteem for Canada’s accomplishments in aeronautics, space and related technologies.
New partnerships like these strengthen and expand OSPE’s network so that we can continue to share our mandate, activities and advocacy objectives with an ever-growing and influential audience. By teaming up with partners like IEEE, CSC and CASI, OSPE is able to exchange resources and thought-provoking content with other organizations that are working toward similar goals. These partnerships provide OSPE members with more diverse networking opportunities and allow you to access even more events where you can share and seek new knowledge from a wide variety of industry professionals.
Here’s to the start of several productive partnerships!
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