Remembering l’Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal and reaffirming OSPE’s commitment to inclusive practices

On Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, we honour the 14 engineering students at l’Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal who lost their lives in an act of gender-based violence on December 6, 1989. As we continue to mourn their lives, it is vital we listen to the voices of the countless women, girls, members of the 2SLGBTQ+community, and individuals of all diversity dimensions who face discrimination and harassment every day.

OSPE envisions an equitable and inclusive future for engineering, which means we advocate for the engineering and STEM profession with a permanent lens of intersectional inclusivity. We are proud that many industry leaders, academics, and engineering trailblazers align with this cause, giving hope that the future of engineering and society as a whole will be an encouraging space for all innovators. OSPE’s work will continue to build a community of members that share best practice, have difficult conversations, and move the needle.

“Violence against all women is an act of violence on everyone. We have a responsibility on the future generation to create better spaces, including making engineering a sector built for thriving innovators. Engineering intersects with all sectors in Canada and globally, and is vital to an inclusive, thriving society. The tragic massacre is a never again moment. Three decades later, we continue to honor the victims everyday by encouraging our women and girls to pursue engineering. This is a top priority for OSPE, ensuring we advocate for engineers through the lens of diversity, including fighting gender discrimination.” – Angela Wojtyla, OSPE Diversity & Inclusion Committee, Chair

To learn more about what engineers are doing to promote equity, diversity and inclusion in the profession, check out our website here.

Every day, we can spark positive change in our communities and ourselves by steering the conversation towards actionable steps that work to eliminate misogyny, sexism and hate. Each year, on November 25, Canadians can commit to the 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence by reaffirming our commitment to live with the pillars of inclusivity, equality and equity.

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