Ronald Sidon, MBA, P.Eng.
An accomplished engineer and entrepreneur with several inventions and patents to his name, Ronald Sidon has a career-long history of volunteering and philanthropy, giving back to the engineering profession and the community. After a stint as a systems analyst with IBM, Sidon started five businesses that developed several innovative technologies, including the first electronic cream-dispensing machine seen at Tim Horton’s, a heated tunnel for wrapping new cars in a protective coating for transport and a residential condensate removal pump.
Sidon has given back to the engineering profession by mentoring engineering students, young engineers and engineering start-ups. He contributes extensively to his alma mater, the University of Toronto, working with students in design courses, fundraising to provide undergraduate and graduate scholarships and contributing to the new Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
He also volunteers his time to help several small engineering-based companies in Ontario including iMerciv Inc., which developed a sonar-based obstacle detection device for the visually impaired; Good Robot, which creates technology that allows seniors to live independently; and Blade Filters, which is developing a recyclable carbon filter for the cannabis growing industry.
In addition, Sidon offered assistance and funding to the restoration of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) pedestrian bridge in his local community. Working with municipal officials and a team of engineers and architects, the community bridge was designed to be fully accessible. This community landmark reopened and now bears his name.
A dedicated and committed engineer and volunteer, Sidon has also made extensive contributions internationally. In Tanzania, he was the primary donor and spearheaded a project that supplies water to 3,500 rural residents, worked with a charity that distributes soccer equipment to children’s soccer teams, and funded the construction of a building for teachers and a kitchen for volunteer parents to cook meals for students.
Since retiring, Sidon continues to innovate and volunteer his time. At Tetra Society, he helps create customized assistive devices for people with physical disabilities. He designed and built a wheelchair attachment to carry a baby, various baby crib modifications, an iPad holder that mounts to wheelchairs, and unique handrail applications.
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