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Trimmings, trees and trivia: OSPE’s holiday party and year in review

OSPE Trivia Challenge


With the winter weather comes the holiday season, and with the holiday season comes more frequent opportunities for networking with colleagues. At OSPE, we welcome any opportunity to network with each of you, especially during this festive time of year!

As our CEO Sandro Perruzza noted at OSPE’s GTA member appreciation event and Holiday Party on December 6th, “OSPE exists for its members. It is our privilege to represent the best interests of the engineering community, but we can only represent your interests insofar as you share your concerns, ideas and expertise with us.”

This year’s member appreciation events — the first of which was hosted on December 5th in Ottawa — invited both members and non-members to join us for an evening of good food and good company to discuss and celebrate the profession’s accomplishments, challenges and planned activities for the New Year.


Sandro Perruzza, OSPE CEO, (left) and Michael Monette, P.Eng., OSPE President & Chair (right) with Ismail Mahamat Tahir (centre), winner of the Apple TV prize draw in Ottawa.

As OSPE’s President & Chair Michael Monette, P.Eng., mentioned, “Ontario is facing so many challenges – from climate change, to our aging infrastructure, to the high cost of energy. Society needs the continued engagement of the engineering community. For the future of our province, it is critical that government and the public see engineers as innovators, wealth creators, and leaders.”

Michael Monette, P.Eng., and Sandro Perruzza delivered the evening’s greetings at both member appreciation events.

At both of last week’s holiday events, it was great to get together with members – including engineering students, engineering graduates, professional engineers, Engineering Interns (EITs) and international engineering graduates (IEGs) – to hear your advice, suggestions, questions, observations, experiences and aspirations. OSPE wants to help you get licensed, make connections, find a job, advance in your career, stay protected and contribute your expertise for the greater good of society, and we look forward to continuing to work with you to serve you better in 2017.


Check in with OSPE TV on Youtube to watch some of our other videos to see how your own experience compares to that of your peers, or where you may be able to offer your services and words of wisdom.


Thank you to everyone who came out to join us for our holiday get-togethers. OSPE looks forward to bringing engaging events to other cities throughout the province in 2017 – stay connected with us on social media to find out where we’re headed in the New Year.


We’d like to thank you once again for your continued support of OSPE. It is because of members like you that we can continue to make an impact in this province and ensure that government and the public understand the importance of engineers.

Up for a challenge?

Do you frequently attend OSPE events? Do you follow OSPE on social media or stay up-to-date with OSPE via the Society Notes blog or The Voice magazine? As 2016 comes to a close and we prepare to usher in a new year of exciting activities, events and advocacy initiatives for our valued members — let’s put your OSPE knowledge to the test with our fun 10 question OSPE Trivia quiz.

Take the quiz now to see how well you know your advocacy organization!

[WpProQuiz 1]


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