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Become an #EngineeringAlly – Show Ontario Engineering Matters!


#EngineeringAllyNo longer the silent profession —The Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE) is supporting Ontario’s 85,000 Professional Engineers to GET LOUD, become engaged and ask more of their government.

Building on the momentum of the first annual Professional Engineers Day in Ontario, today, OSPE is launching an advocacy campaign that makes a bold call to action – asking all political candidates to make a pointed commitment to show their support for the engineering profession.

As the voice of Ontario’s engineering community, OSPE is asking MPPs in the next provincial election to take a pledge to become an #EngineeringAlly and support Ontario’s engineering community. Over the course of the election, OSPE members are engaging candidates to make commitments to ensure that professional engineers are heard, valued and respected.

What is the #EngineeringAlly Pledge?

  • GROW and maintain investments in high-growth strategic sectors such as research, innovation, the environment, transportation and infrastructure.
  • ACT to address the underemployment of engineering talent and get Professional Engineers and engineering graduates working and gaining experience in their field.
  • CONSULT with Professional Engineers via OSPE’s expert policy committees and task forces to get complex policy decisions right the first time.
  • CHAMPION the hiring and appointment of Professional Engineers to government advisory boards and the Ontario Public Service (OPS). Engineers are expert problem solvers and optimizers who improve services and drive value.
  • SUPPORT the nomination and election of Professional Engineers as candidates in the next provincial election. Having the strategic systems understanding of engineers around caucus and cabinet tables will help to inform and enhance policy initiatives.

How can YOU get involved?

Taking action is as easy as 1-2-3.

1. Take less than a minute to become an official #EngineeringAlly at

2. Share your support for #EngineeringAlly on social media.

Help us get loud by proudly sharing the commitment you’ve made as an #EngineeringAlly by using this hashtag online and by urging your family, friends and colleagues to do the same. Feel free to tag candidates to encourage them to take notice and show their support.

  • Not sure what to tweet or post? Try these:

I’m an #EngineeringAlly because I know that #engineering matters for Ontario’s future! In #elxn42 @O_S_P_E is calling on all #ONpoli candidates to show their support for Professional Engineers by taking the pledge at


I am an #EngineeringAlly because I believe engineering matters for Ontario’s future. This provincial election, let’s make engineering an #ONpoli priority. Visit to join me in getting loud to make Ontario’s future brighter!

3. Ask candidates to ‘Take the Pledge’.

This election will see three or more candidates competing in each of Ontario’s 124 ridings—and we want every one of them to take the MPP’s #EngineeringAlly Pledge. You have the power to reach out to them and ask for their support!

  • Click Here to download and share ‘The #EngineeringAlly Pledge.’
  • Click Here to review an up-to-date list of candidates running in Ontario’s 2018 Election.

Have questions? Contact advocacy@ for support.

Stay engaged, join OSPE

For those eligible to vote on June 7, 2018, you will have the opportunity to cast your ballot in support of a candidate in your riding. Although OSPE does not officially endorse or support any one candidate or political party, you are encouraged to follow the election, stay informed on issues of engineering importance via OSPE’s Society Notes Blog, and ultimately cast your vote for the candidate and/or party that best reflects your interests.

On important issues of job creation, entrepreneurship, innovation, economic development, climate change, power systems, infrastructure investment, transit planning and more, Ontario will face both challenges and opportunities – engineers have solutions.

But the reality is, unless engineers assert themselves and are empowered to lead, their voice won’t be heard.

As Ontarians prepare to return to the ballot box this June, the engineering community cannot afford to stand on the sidelines.

We must mobilize to show the province that engineering matters.

Become a supporter by visiting

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