In November 2016, the Building and Development Branch of Ontario’s Ministry of Municipal Affairs sent an exclusive request to OSPE’s CEO Sandro Perruzza seeking preferred nominations to be considered for membership on Ontario’s Building Code Technical Advisory Committees (TAC).
OSPE is pleased to announce that five of our esteemed members have been selected for participation on the TACs:
Large and Complex Buildings
Representative: Jim Chisholm, P.Eng. (OSPE Board of Directors)
Structural Design
Representative: Bruna Pace, P.Eng. (OSPE Subject Matter Expert)
Alternate: John Morgan, B.A.Sc., P.Eng. (Infrastructure Task Force)
Environmental Separation and Resource Conservation
Representative: Andre Proulx, M.Eng., P.Eng. (Infrastructure Task Force)
Alternate: Steve Rose, M.Sc., P.Eng., P.Geo., D.WRE, FEC (OSPE Board of Directors)
The input and expertise provided by each of these individuals will further the objectives of the Building Code, including environmental integrity, conservation, safety, health and accessibility for all Ontarians, thereby, showcasing the valuable work and contributions of Ontario’s Professional Engineers.
Congratulations to all those selected, and thank you to everyone who put their names forward for consideration. Together, our efforts to elevate the profile of the engineering profession is having an impact. We have the collective ability to increase the number of industry and government leaders seeking engineering input regarding not only the development of Ontario’s Building Code, but also in the areas of energy, transportation, mining, infrastructure, climate change, and more.
To government, OSPE’s message is simple:
Are you facing complex public policy decisions?
No one is better equipped to offer technically and economically sound solutions than Professional Engineers.
Engineers are key players in every sector of Ontario’s economy. With cutting-edge technical knowledge, engineers have learned, hands-on expertise, and above all else, engineers have made a solemn commitment to defend the public interest.
Put simply, engineers make our world work.
Here’s how you can get involved too:
It is always important to seek new professional challenges to remain inspired by your work and to remind yourself why you love what you do.
Are you seeking an opportunity to apply your wealth of professional knowledge and expertise outside of your current job role? Do you want to help raise the profile of the engineering profession among government, industry and the public?
OSPE’s specialized task forces, committees and Political Action Network (PAN) are a few of the many ways that you can become fully engaged in advocating for your profession and drive beneficial change for society as a whole.
- Foster industrious relationships with members, industry leaders, and government representatives
- Help guide OSPE’s strategic direction and position on important advocacy topics about which you are passionate
- Do your part to ensure that engineers are at the decision-making table when it comes to matters of public policy
For more information on how you can start making a difference with OSPE, visit our website, or email advocacy@ with any inquiries.
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