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OSPE’s 2020 AGM Recap

agm tibor rejeanne sandro

For the first time in OSPE’s history, our Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held virtually on Wednesday May 6, 2020. The evening started with a presentation by Dr. Chris Bart, FCPA on competency-based Boards. During the meeting, members heard from the President and Chair, Dr. Tibor Turi, Ph.D., P.Eng. and the CEO, Sandro Perruzza. They described the many successes OSPE has accomplished with regards to the Strategic Plan’s Lead, Care and Unite pillars.

The Nominations Committee announced that according to nomination and election procedures, the following professional engineers shall be Directors of the Society, to hold office for three-year terms, effective immediately following the close of the meeting:

Réjeanne Aimey, P.Eng. David Carnegie, P.Eng. Nicholas Burgwin, P.Eng. Mark Frayne, P.Eng.
Réjeanne Aimey, P.Eng.
President and Chair
David Carnegie, P.Eng.
Nicholas Burgwin, P.Eng.
Mark Frayne, P.Eng.

The members then accepted the financial statements of the Society for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 as presented by the Treasurer, Ron Clifton, P.Eng. and approved the appointment of the auditors, BDO Canada, LLP for 2020.

Réjeanne Aimey, P.Eng., Vice Chair of OSPE and the Chair of the Board Development and Strategic Planning Committee, along with the Chair, Dr. Tibor Turi, Ph.D., P.Eng., presented the motion to amend bylaw 2. She and Dr. Turi reviewed the rationale for the proposed changes noting specifically how having qualified and competent Board members is paramount to the success of any organization. Questions were taken from the members, followed by a vote.

OSPE was pleased to announce the recipients of the President’s Volunteer Award, two individuals who have gone above and beyond in effecting positive change for the engineering profession in Ontario. The 2020 Professional Engineers Award is being awarded to Elizabeth Pietrantonio and the Young Professional Award is being awarded to Tiffany Joseph. Elizabeth and Tiffany will be formally presented their awards at OSPE’s 20th Anniversary Gala, which will be held in September 2020.

We also debuted the new strategic direction for our professional development offerings: the Ontario Engineering Academy. Stay tuned for more info on the Academy coming in the near future. We also went into depth on the upcoming engineering conference we’ll be holding in 2021. We’re still in the planning stages of the conference, but our idea is to make it a day-and-a-half event filled with networking, professional development, interesting speakers, panels and so much more. If you have any ideas on topics, speakers or discussions you’d like to see at the conference, be sure to let us know!

Dr. Turi thanked outgoing Directors, Christina Visser, P.Eng. and Jonathan Hack, P.Eng. for their expertise, respectfulness and dedication. Mr. Perruzza, on behalf of the Board took the opportunity to commend Dr. Turi for his professionalism, vision and guidance throughout his term as President and Chair.

OSPE would like to thank all those who participated in their First Virtual AGM!

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