Meet engineering professionals, not resumes, with OSPE’s new InterviewNow BETA feature

This new feature allows you to review video submissions by applicants in addition to their resumes. With InterviewNow, engineering applicants answer a few interview questions related to your job description and their responses are seamlessly captured by video.


Post your job on OSPE’s Career Centre
Choose your InterviewNow Package
InterviewNow video feature added to OSPE job posting
Applicants upload their resume and answer interview questions through video


Pre-Hire screening videos allow you to:


Have your job posting stand out and see the difference

Quickly evaluate applicant expertise

Easily share results with your team


Choose your package:


$99 for 10 Videos

$149 for 30 Videos

Please note that video access will remain active on your posting for 30 days. Additional purchase of videos can be accommodated at any time.

For more information please contact
Jamie Gerson, Corporate Solutions at (647) 515-5281 or
