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Letters to Premier Wynne


On June 1, OSPE sent a letter to Premier Wynne imploring the government to consult with engineers before implementing its cap-and-trade program. On June 14, OSPE received a response from the Premier that appeared to be a form letter intended for critics of the Climate Change Action Plan. The Premier’s response did not address OSPE’s main concern that the government does not consult with engineers before implementing policy.

So yesterday, OSPE sent a second letter to Kathleen Wynne:



For a copy of the above letter, click here.

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Comments (2)

  1. It’s July 2017. Why is there no update on this blog as to the results of your June 16th, 2016 letter to Kathleen Wynne? Even if she didn’t respond that would be useful for readers and followers of the Society of Professional Engineers to know, perhaps reinforcing there doubts about continuing to support this government.

    1. Hi Chris – thank you for sharing your feedback; we apologize for any inconvenience. While OSPE did not specifically note the follow-up outcomes in this blog post, we were able to share some updates via some of our other communications channels. We typically post timely updates about any advocacy meetings on Twitter (@O_S_P_E), for example, but we would be happy to give you a brief synopsis of some of the items that came out of these communications with Kathleen Wynne.

      After OSPE sent its second letter, we received a letter directly from the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to set up a meeting to discuss OSPE’s recommendations in more detail. The Honourable Glen Murray and his Parliamentary Assistant Arthur Potts, met with Micheal Monette, P.Eng., (OSPE’s President and Chair at the time), Jonathan Hack, P.Eng., (OSPE’s Vice-Chair at the time), and OSPE CEO Sandro Perruzza.

      In terms of the lack of engineering representation on the Climate Action Group (CAG), the Minister noted the oversight, and made a commitment to involve P.Eng. experts on the next iteration of the CAG. Since this meeting, six engineers have also been invited to sit on the Building Code Advisory Committees, and OSPE was one of fewer than 10 organizations invited to inform Ontario’s electric and fuel cell electric vehicle strategy (also known as the Electric and Hydrogen Vehicle Advancement Partnership [EHVAP] program). If you have any other questions about the specific outcomes of this meeting, please feel free to email directly and one of our Policy Leads would be happy to have a further conversation with you.

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