Earlier this week, OSPE held its virtual All Candidates Town Hall where members could hear from the candidates running for election for OSPE’s Board of Directors.
At the Town Hall, candidates were given a few minutes to introduce themselves, followed by a question period moderated by the Chair of OSPE’s Nominations Committee, David Carnegie, P.Eng.
The candidates for the 2022 OSPE Board of Directors Election include:
- Mustafa Abbas Almukhtar
- Sandra Ausma, Ph.D., P.Eng.
- Stephanie Holko, P.Eng.
- Raymond J. Mantha, P.Eng., F.E.C.
- Stephen Pepper, GP LL.M, MBA, B.Eng., P.Eng., CD
- Jane Ravenshaw, P.Eng.
- Changiz Sadr, P.Eng., FEC, CISSP
- Oliver Xiao, P.Eng.
The candidates’ opening statements included details on their individual backgrounds, expertise, and what kind of engineering issues are most important to them. To hear more about each of the candidates, you can read their statements via the links above or watch the Town Hall recording here.
After opening remarks, the moderator moved into question period where he asked for each of the candidates’ opinions on topics relating to OSPE’s direction and the engineering profession.
Some of the questions included:
- Our new Strategic Plan is now complete and will be presented to the membership at our AGM. As part of this new plan, our new Vision is that “OSPE is the home of the entire engineering community in Ontario, where engineers come together to realize their full potential.” What do you think is an engineer’s full potential to society?
- What do you believe is the biggest challenge or threat to the Engineering Profession and what would you consider would be the opportunities for OSPE to respond to this challenge or threat?
- As a board member, you’d be a brand ambassador of OSPE, how would you encourage more people to join OSPE?
- What would you say is the board’s role in strategy versus the role of management?
- Increasing membership is a key focus for OSPE, what specific experience and or skill do you have that would allow you to help us in this area?
- Increasing the positive perception of engineers in Ontario through strategic communications and marketing campaigns is key. What specific experience can you bring to help achieve this initiative?
Following question period, the Town Hall concluded with each candidate answering why they are proud to be an OSPE member, along with some time for closing remarks.
Why are you proud to be an OSPE member?
Mustafa Abbas Almukhtar: I am an OSPE member because it is a community where like-minded professionals meet and share ideas. Being a part of such organization allows me to keep learning and share my ideas with other. Most importantly, it empowers us to collaborate and achieve things that we wouldn’t be able to do individually.
Sandra Ausma, P.Eng.: I am an OSPE member because OSPE does an amazing job of creatively promoting engineering and advocating for the profession.
Stephanie Holko, P.Eng.: I am an OSPE member because I’m proud to be an engineer and this is the home of the engineering community in Ontario.
Raymond Mantha, P.Eng.: I am an OSPE member because I feel strongly that the engineering community needs a strong and trusted voice both for the education and recognition of and by Ontarians; and all of that towards strengthening the reputation of the profession. I also believe that OSPE is well suited as the facilitator of continuous learning and growth of its members. I see OSPE as the primary advocate of the engineering community.
Stephen Pepper, P.Eng.: I am an OSPE member because it’s my opportunity to give back, I have benefitted hugely from being a member of this profession and value that. I feel an obligation to promote the profession for future generations as well as younger generations that are building their earlier stages in their careers. OSPE gives me a fantastic opportunity to be connected to other engineers that have different experiences and are working on really really cool things as I’ve learned in my Energy Task Force and so it’s also very challenging and interesting for me. I love the benefits, I love the professional development opportunities, the networking opportunities and it’s just such a great bargain for the value I get from this organization.
Jane Ravenshaw, P.Eng.: I am an OSPE member because I think it’s really important to facilitate the professional development of engineers in Ontario and also to be an advocate for the profession. Whether it is from a government perspective, like to change policy or to advocate for change, or whether it is just to have the recognition for engineers as a body. I also am really proud to be part of the organization to increase the diversity and inclusion in the profession because engineering is still seen as a very male dominated profession, so all that we can do to change that and really really critical as we move forward.
Changiz Sadr, P.Eng.: I am an OSPE member because I need an organization such as OSPE to advocate on my behalf and support me in different aspects of my professional life as an engineer. OSPE has effective tools and resources and their strong relationship with all the engineering stakeholders in both public and private sectors; and this gives OSPE a strong position to advocate on behalf of me and the entire engineering community in Ontario.
Oliver Xiao, P.Eng.: I am an OSPE member because I joined OSPE and I first started with some fun and social effects, which we all miss. Then it’s when I joined the Infrastructure Task Force as a volunteer that’s where I met so many dedicated and passionate members who work together to improve and promote our profession. So, I am an OSPE member because I want to be part of this great community and for the great cause of advocating for our profession.
To hear full statements from your 2022 candidates above, please watch the Town Hall video.
For more on the elections process, deadlines, and candidates, click here.
OSPE Members in good standing have until Friday, April 15, end of day, to cast your vote in this year’s OSPE Board of Directors Election. For more information, please comment down below, or send an email to vmueller@https://ospe.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/academy-banner-7.png.on.ca.
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